Please review our Privacy Policy, which was changed on 4/10/2018 and can be found by clicking here.
By navigating the website, you agree to the terms of the updated privacy policy


Privacy Policy

Updated: December 31, 2019

Here at ACCO Brands, we are committed to respecting your privacy. One part of doing that is being transparent to you about how we collect, use, store, transfer and disclose information you share with us.  This notice explains our approach and also lets you know about the rights you have over your information.

If you have any questions regarding your information or this notice, you can reach us anytime at

Summary of this notice

  • We may collect personal information primarily to market our products to you, enable you to make purchases on our websites, and provide you with product and customer service support.
  • Our company uses third-party service providers to help us maintain and protect our website, accept payments, deliver products to you, send marketing communications, and tailor our site to your interests.
  • We do not sell and will not sell your information to third parties for their own use.
  • You have rights over how the information we collect about you is used. For example, you can opt-out of marketing communications at any time. You can also request access to the information we hold about you or request that we delete that information in some cases.  

What is the scope of this notice?

This notice applies to the website on which it is posted.  It also applies to interactions with ACCO Brands via other channels, such as when you contact our customer support team.  This notice does not apply to ACCO Brands websites with different privacy notices or to third-party websites and platforms—like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.

This notice explains how we use personal information—information that can be used to identify or contact an individual.  It also explains how we use non-personal information—information that cannot, alone, be used to identify or contact an individual.

What information do we collect from you?

We collect and process your information when you interact with our websites, our social media accounts, purchase our products, when you contact our customer service employees, or when you interact with our company in another manner. The information we collect includes:

·      Your name, username, and password;

·      Your personal or business address, company name, email address, and phone number;

·       Your payment and delivery information, including billing and delivery address;

·       Your order history;

·       Customer support chat logs, emails, and call recordings;

·       Your marketing preferences;

·       Photos, videos, or other files you submit to us or taken at events;

·       Demographic information such as gender, age, date of birth, occupation, income, ethnicity, family size, marital status, veteran status, and general location—where legally permitted;

·       Your interactions with our website, services, or other websites, such as products viewed, search history, clicked advertisements, IP address, date and time of visit, device used, browser used, and browsing history; and

·      Inferences drawn from the information above, such as your product preferences and interests

 What technologies do we use to collect information?

Beyond information that you actively provide to us, we also collect information passively via various technologies.


Cookies are small data files transmitted by websites and stored on your computer or device.  They have many uses such as remembering your login information and preferences on a particular site.  Specifically, we use cookies to:

·      Operate our website;

·      Remember items in your shopping cart;

·      Remember site preferences and login information;

·      Identify when you visit our site multiple times;

·      Conduct analytics (using services like Google Analytics) to understand how our site is performing and how visitors use our site;

·      Enhance your experience on our site;

·      Improve and track advertising, to connect your activity across multiple visits and multiple ACCO Brands websites, to monitor your interaction with our advertising campaigns, and to customize content and marketing on our websites;

·      Identify personal information such as your name, email address, mailing address; and

·      Market products to you digitally or via mail.

Most browsers accept cookies by default, but you can block or restrict cookies on your computer or device or purge them from your browser by adjusting your browser preferences. You should consult the user guide for your browser or mobile device for instructions on how to configure settings to meet your preferences. Cookies allow you to take advantage of certain features on our website; if you block or restrict cookies, it may disable certain features.

To learn more about Google Analytics and your privacy choices in connection with Google Analytics, including the Google Analytics Browser Opt-Out Add On, please visit the Google website at

Pixel Tags

Pixel tags are tiny graphic images (also known as web beacons, action tags, or transparent GIF files). We use pixel tags to:

  • Tell us which parts of the website you have visited and to measure the effectiveness of any searches you may perform;
  • Send you email messages in a format you can read and let us know when you have opened a message from us and whether you click on the links contained in the message; and
  • Together with our ad marketing partners, track your interaction with online advertising, measure the performance of a marketing effort, and for targeted advertising

File Metadata

If you submit a digital photo or other file to us, it may contain metadata or precise geolocation. If you do not want to share this data, you should delete the location data before sharing it with us.

Embedded Links

Certain links in our emails and third-party websites may include tracking information embedded in the link.  This tracking is accomplished via a redirection system that allows us to understand whether you clicked on the link and how the link is being used.  In some cases, this non-personal information can be combined with personal information we have about you to improve our services and marketing campaigns.

What information do we collect from third parties?

In addition to information that we collect from you, we also collect information from third parties.

Customer Lists

To support our marketing efforts, we sometimes collect from third party printers or marketing providers lists of individuals or businesses that may be interested in our products.  We use these lists to send marketing communications to relevant individuals.  We also use these lists to append additional information to our existing customer lists or to ensure the accuracy of our existing customer lists.  For example, we collect information from the U.S. Postal Service National Change of Address service to ensure we have the most up-to-date address information about our customers. These lists can include any of the information mentioned above in the “What information do we collect from you?” section above.

Social Media Platforms

When you log into social media platforms from this website, public information such as your username is shared with the social media platform, which may then in turn provide that information to us. 

Separately, we also collect from social media platforms additional information about existing customers to build a more fulsome profile of your interests so that we can better target our marketing and advertisements. This can include any of the information mentioned above in the “What information do we collect from you?” section above.

How do we use your information?

We use your information for the following purposes:

  • In order to fulfil a contract or to take steps in connection with a contract, including
    • Verifying your identity;
    • Processing payments;
    • Communicating with you;
    • Providing warranty coverage and product registration;
    • Providing customer service;
    • Arranging the delivery of products; and
    • Providing promotional or sweepstakes rewards.
  • In order to conduct our business and to pursue our legitimate business interests, including:
    • Protecting and improving our services and websites, such as using analytics to better understand how our websites are used;
    • Preventing malicious activity, security breaches, and fraud;
    • Providing generalized electronic and physical marketing and advertisements;
    • Providing targeted electronic and physical marketing and advertisements;
    • Managing your marketing preferences;
    • Responding to feedback, complaints, or reviews of our products, service, or website;
    • Posting content provided by you, such as product reviews or social media posts;
    • Promoting our business via industry events, tradeshows, and other events;
    • Managing our financial processes and reporting;
    • Personalizing our website or products for you;
    • Coordinating product recalls;
    • Providing requested product or material samples;
    • Inviting you to participate in marketing research or surveys; and
    • Pursuing legal claims and ensuring compliance with relevant laws;
  • If you grant your permission, we will use your personal information for the following purposes:
    • Providing direct marketing materials regarding our products and services or other products and services provided by our subsidiaries and carefully selected business partners.
    • If we use information for other purposes that require your permission, we will ask you for your permission at that time.
  • For legally required purposes in response to lawful requests by regulatory, civil or criminal authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. 

With whom do we share your information?

We share your information with various entities around the world, including countries that have privacy laws that may differ from those where you are located.  For all transfers, we ensure there are suitable safeguards, such as a legal adequacy decision, standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules, and Privacy Shield certifications. Details are available upon request.

ACCO Brands Company Group

We will transfer your personal information to other brands and companies in the ACCO Brands group in order to process orders, sweepstakes or for other marketing activities.

Service Providers

We will also transfer all categories of personal information described in the “What information do we collect from you?” section above to service providers, who will process information on behalf of ACCO Brands for the above-described purposes. These processors include providers of website hosting and maintenance, marketing database hosting, call center operation, consumer engagement, advertising, shipping, and logistics services.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to analyze your use of our website. In this context, we transfer information about the use of our website to Google Inc. Google compiles statistical reports for us about the use of our website.

If you do not want to be tracked via Google Analytics, we recommend you install the browser add-on provided by Google here, which will prohibit tracking by Google Analytics.

Social Media Platforms

At various places on our websites we have implemented social network/ social media features. These features include:

·      Links to ACCO Brands’ websites on social networks

·      “Like” or “Share” buttons

·      Embedded content, such as videos

The providers of the features above may use embedded content to identify you, the source of a visit and how you use our website

When you use the recommendation functions, this communicates the URL of the respective website to the social network you have selected. A number of networks then immediately supplement the link with an excerpt of the content provided by our website. With most social networks, you are asked for confirmation before this is saved or forwarded.

We have integrated social media tools from social media providers such as: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Please note that we do not have control of how these entities deal with the information you share with them and whether this information is made available to others. We recommend that you read their privacy policies carefully.

Legal Disclosures

We may disclose your information when required by law to do so, such as when information is subject to a subpoena or court order, or in furtherance of ACCO Brands’ legal interests, such as when defending or pursuing a legal claim.  

Purchaser of Our Business

If our business or a part of our business is sold or integrated into a different company, we may disclose your information to our consultants and to the consultants of the potential purchaser and will pass such information on to the new owners of the company.

What rights do you have?

You have the following rights over your personal information:

·       To opt out of marketing communications;

·       To request details regarding the processing of your personal information;

·       To request a copy of your personal information;

·       To correct or delete your personal information held by ACCO Brands;

·       To withdraw your permission, where we rely on that permission to process your information;

·       To object to the processing of your personal information;

·       To request that your information not be sold to other businesses; and

·       To submit a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority, depending on your location.

Exercising Rights

In order to exercise these rights, please click the Manage My Data [FB1] link in the footer or contact us using the information in the “How do I contact you?” section below.  You can also opt-out of marketing communications (withdraw your permission) by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in emails or changing your preferences in your account settings.

If you would like to exercise your rights via an authorized agent, we require a signed authorization or power of attorney, which can be submitted to  We also require you, as the consumer, to directly verify your own identity with our company via the “Data Access Request” tab available after clicking the Manage My Data [FB2] link. 


These rights may be limited, for example, if during the fulfillment of your request, information about another person would be disclosed or if you ask us to delete information that we are legally required to store or need to operate our business.

When submitting a request for a copy of your personal information, we require that you provide your email address, full name, address, telephone number, and date of birth.  We utilize that information to verify your identity with a third-party service provider.  This is done to protect your information and ensure that the right information is provided to the right person.


ACCO Brands does not discriminate against individuals exercising their rights over their information and it does not offer any financial incentives in connection with the collection, sale, or deletion of your personal information.  In some cases, however, failure to provide information may result in us being unable to provide certain services, such as processing payments and fulfilling orders.


If you have an unresolved privacy concern, you may also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority, depending on your location.

How can you avoid targeted advertising?

We sometime advertise on third-party websites and platforms, and we may also show third party advertisements on our websites.  We and our vendors use the information described in the “What technologies do we use to collect information?” section above to target advertising based on your online activity, including past visits to our sites or third-party sites.

For more information about targeted advertising and your choice to opt-out of receiving targeted online advertisements, please visit the following links:

·       To opt-out from targeted advertising from members of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), please visit the DAA website.

·       To opt-out of targeted advertising from members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), please visit the NAI website.

Please note that these opt-out mechanisms are browser specific. If you wish to opt-out of targeted advertising across all browsers, you need visit the above websites from each browser you use. Also, please be aware that if you opt out of receiving targeted advertising, you will still be served with advertisements, but they will no longer be targeted to your interests.

Please note that we do not currently respond to “Do Not Track” signals from browsers.

For whom is this site intended?

This site is only intended for adults, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.  If you are a parent or legal guardian and think your child has provided us personal information, please contact us using the information in the “How do I contact you?” section below in order to have that information deleted.

How long will you maintain my information?

We will keep your personal information for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.  We will also maintain your information as needed to establish compliance with our legal obligations and to ensure we properly respect any opt-out requests.

How do I contact you?

If you have concerns regarding the processing of your information, you can contact us using any of the following methods, and your concerns will be forwarded to our privacy team: 

Mail:   ACCO Brands Canada LP

7381 Bramalea Rd Mississauga

Ontario CA L5S 1C4


Toll Free Number: 1-800-648-6323





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